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Online assessment of the Chinese version of the Parent Reflective Functioning Scale (PRFQ)

family/marriage 18 2 Minutes 1
Online assessment of the Chinese version of the Parent Reflective Functioning Scale (PRFQ)
Parental reflective functioning refers to the ability of parents to understand their own and their children's mental states and how these mental states influence behavior and relationships. Parental reflection function is an important psychological skill that can help parents establish secure attachment with their children, promote their children's social and emotional development, and prevent and...

What are you most looking forward to right now?

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes 1
There was a report a while ago: Some office workers are superstitious about numerology, and almost always go to temples to pray for blessings and wishes. In psychology, this actually means that you have expectations for your current life. This is a test especially for office workers. I hope it can help you relieve some unnecessary stress.

Find out what your ideal dating situation is like

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Everyone who hangs out in this society will have their own circle of friends, probably from childhood to adulthood, whether they are classmates or colleagues. Among these people, they will always meet close friends, whom they meet so late that they can talk about everything. But making friends is not just casual. Everyone must have their own rules for making friends. What is the ideal state of mak...

What are the ambivalences that are holding you back from success?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 1
Why is it said that 'failure is the mother of success'? Looking through the history books at home and abroad, many great successes are stories of a series of failures. Every major scientific invention has experienced hundreds or even thousands of failures. The biggest difference between successful people is that no matter how many times they fall, they can get up, learn from failures, and take a s...

Psychological Test: Mental Stress Level Test

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 3
Psychological Test: Mental Stress Level Test
The Stress Test is a tool used to assess an individual's level of stress. Everyone's ability to withstand stress is different, so you must learn to 'prescribe the right medicine', first analyze how much stress you can withstand, and then further find the root cause and relieve the stress. A mental stress test can help you understand your stress tolerance and help you find ways to cope with stres...

PHQ-9 Depression Screening Scale Free Test

Mental/Health 8 1 Minutes 15
PHQ-9 Depression Screening Scale Free Test
Nine-item self-rating depressive symptoms scale (Patient Health Questionnaire-9, referred to as PHQ-9). The PHQ-9 is a simple, effective depressive symptom assessment tool that is widely used in clinical and research fields. It consists of nine questions covering nine common depressive symptoms, including low mood, loss of interest or happiness, sleep problems, feelings of fatigue, changes in app...

Measure the level of mental fatigue among office workers

Mental/Health 10 1 Minutes 1
Many office workers suffer from varying degrees of psychological fatigue, but some people are unwilling to face up to their fatigue, and more often do not understand whether their state is truly psychological fatigue. So let’s test it quickly! This test is a simple self-assessment tool and is not a substitute for a professional mental health evaluation. If you are concerned about your mental fati...

Can you get married now?

family/marriage 1 1 Minutes
Want to know if you are suitable for marriage now? Are you mentally old enough to get married? Have you truly met the standards of a qualified wife? Can you really take on the responsibility of a family? Complete the test and you'll find out.

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