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Test your psychological maturity

Mental/Health 4 4 Minutes 13
Psychological maturity refers to a person's willingness and motivation to do something. Subordinates with high psychological maturity have strong self-confidence and are proactive in their work. They do not need too many external incentives and mainly rely on internal motivation. On the contrary, employees’ work tasks and role responsibilities should be stipulated. Psychological maturity is a man...

Career Test: Test your best career direction

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes
Time passes quietly, and you may still be content with the status quo, or you may be looking for a new exit. No matter you are thirty and entering middle age, or you are a fresh graduate, you will make some plans for yourself. We live in this world, and you can be the most ordinary person among all living beings, or you can be the bravest person despite all obstacles. The road is at your feet, Go...

Test your ruthless character index?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
No matter it is the best of times or the worst of times, society must not lack such a group of people, they are ruthless characters. Are you a cruel person at heart? Many people appear gentle, peaceful, and kind, but they are ruthless characters on the inside. And you? Are you a cruel person at heart? Many people appear gentle, peaceful, and kind, but they are ruthless characters on the inside. Do...

Fun psychological test: How jealous are you?

Love/Relationship 2 1 Minutes 5
Jealousy refers to the jealousy, suspicion and uneasiness that a person has in a relationship regarding their partner's relationship or behavior with others. When a person is jealous of his partner or others, he will often show emotional instability, irritability, sensitivity, suspicion, doubt, etc. This emotion may stem from a sense of threat to one's own value, status, self-esteem, etc., or it ...

Love Psychology Test: Which kind of person will you fall in love with?

Love/Relationship 2 1 Minutes 22
'Where is the girl of my dreams and what does he (she) look like?' I believe this is a question that many people often think about. Any long-lasting relationship must be based on ordinaryness and comfort. As the saying goes, if you return to ordinaryness, you will never get tired of it for a long time. Indeed, everyone is a unique individual with his own thoughts, emotions, temperament and thre...

loneliness level test

Mental/Health 15 3 Minutes 2
In this complicated world, each of us has a lonely heart. From the moment we were born, loneliness has been with us as we grow. It is not simply being alone or lonely, but a deep and individual experience. As the years go by, we learn to have an inner dialogue with ourselves, learn to find ourselves in the crowd, and discover the universe in solitude. Loneliness is sometimes a choice, sometimes i...

Test your negotiating power

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes
Negotiation exists in our daily lives. Society is actually a big negotiation table, and your opponents include everyone who appears in your life every day, including your partner, children, parents, bosses, work partners, and competitors. opponent. When you have excellent negotiation power, you can get everything you want, whether in life or at work. Negotiation has a profound impact on our lives...

Psychological test: Take this test. When choosing a partner, what do you value most in your heart?

Love/Relationship 1 1 Minutes 9
What's most important to each person deep down when choosing a partner may be different. Here are some possible factors: Mutual attraction: In love, attractiveness of appearance, personality and temperament are usually important factors. Trust and respect: Relationships based on mutual trust and respect are usually healthier and longer lasting. Common values: Having common life values and goals c...

Psychological test: Are you prone to cheating? How would you deal with an affair?

family/marriage 1 1 Minutes 1
Some people are unbearably lonely because their husband and wife are separated (the wife is pregnant), or because one of the husband and wife has a physical defect and cannot be satisfied physically, or the relationship between the husband and wife is not harmonious, or the husband's sexual needs are too strong and one woman cannot satisfy him. Therefore, they actively seek out a third party or ar...

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