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ABO Gender Pheromone Test

Character/Personality 25 2 Minutes 152
ABO Gender Pheromone Test
Welcome to the ABO Gender Pheromone Test! Are you curious about your status and behavioral characteristics in society and groups? ABO gender pheromone is an interesting psychological test, originating from the setting of European and American fan circles. The concept of ABO originates from animal behavior (Ethology). In the animal kingdom, the classic example of the ABO worldview is the social c...

Are you someone who likes to 'procrastinate'?

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes 1
'Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows are there? I live to wait for tomorrow, everything will be wasted.' This widely sung song of tomorrow vividly describes the life state of many people who 'procrastinate' in doing things, and illustrates that great things cannot be achieved by always procrastinating. 'Why do I know procrastination is bad, but I still continue to procrastinate?' I belie...

Test how easily others can influence you

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Are you someone who is easily swayed by other people's ideas? Are you a person without any opinion? In daily interpersonal interactions, are you easily influenced by what others say and do? Are you easily affected? What kind of people are most likely to influence you? Come and test it out.

Are you an easy person to get along with?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
People need to be friendly to get along with each other, and people who are easy to get along with are welcome wherever they go, and they are popular and enjoy all kinds of food. Some people make you feel particularly easy to get close to, while others make you want to get close but always feel rejected thousands of miles away. I believe many friends feel this way, so do you know what they are lik...

Psychological test: Test your ability to identify rich people

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
As the saying goes: 'You can't judge a person by his appearance, and you can't measure the sea water.' Can you tell a rich person at a glance? Money is an intangible thing. I think because there are many things that cannot be bought with money, the question of what is money is too difficult. People have different desires and requirements. Some people feel that they have 100 Ten thousand means you...

Test your ruthless character index?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
No matter it is the best of times or the worst of times, society must not lack such a group of people, they are ruthless characters. Are you a cruel person at heart? Many people appear gentle, peaceful, and kind, but they are ruthless characters on the inside. And you? Are you a cruel person at heart? Many people appear gentle, peaceful, and kind, but they are ruthless characters on the inside. Do...

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