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Psychological test: professional test on the match between personal behavior style and corporate values

Workplace/career 4 3 Minutes 1
Matching personal and organizational values can effectively predict employees' positive attitudes and behaviors. In management practices such as talent recruitment, employee training, career management, organizational system design, and employee retention in corporate human resource management, the matching of personal and organizational values can be used to improve the effectiveness of corporate...

Career and Personality Match Test

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes
Personality and career are closely related. The match between personality type and career type determines the success of your career. Research in occupational psychology shows that different professions have different personality requirements for practitioners. A person's personality affects career suitability. When the occupation he engages in matches his personality, it is easy for him to exert...

Phil Personality Test | Free

Character/Personality 5 2 Minutes 12
Phil Personality Test | Free
Phil Personality Test, see the real you. This test was conducted by Dr. Phil on the famous host Oprah's show. It is known internationally as the 'Phil Personality Test' and has become the 'touchstone' for the actual employment of personnel departments in many large companies. 'What is my personality?' After answering this question carefully, then think about 'What kind of career is suitable for ...

WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test

Workplace/career 40 4 Minutes 67
WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test
The WVI Career Values Test is a classic test compiled by American psychologist Schuber in 1970. It is designed to measure the importance an individual attaches to the intrinsic and extrinsic values and motivating factors of work. Methods for testing values and motivators. It divides professional values into three dimensions: intrinsic values, extrinsic values and extrinsic rewards. 1. Intrinsic v...

Workplace Psychology Test: What are your workplace strengths?

Workplace/career 1 1 Minutes 3
Workplace advantages refer to the outstanding skills, knowledge, experience, characteristics and personality traits that an individual possesses in his or her career. Workplace advantages can help individuals better realize their potential at work and achieve career goals. They can also improve self-confidence and satisfaction and promote career development. There are many types of workplace stre...

Test your career maturity

Workplace/career 1 1 Minutes 1
Career maturity refers to an individual's psychological readiness to complete career development tasks corresponding to his or her age. The higher a person's career maturity is, the stronger their career planning and execution abilities are, and they are able to make more appropriate career choices and achieve more successful career development. On the contrary, individuals with low career maturit...

MBTI professional personality assessment 145 questions professional version free online test

Character/Personality 50 1 Minutes 324
MBTI professional personality assessment 145 questions professional version free online test
Welcome to our free online test! With this comprehensive test, you'll learn about your career personality type and gain valuable insights into which career paths are right for you. We have prepared a professional version of the MBTI Professional Personality Assessment for you, which contains 145 questions and is designed to comprehensively assess your personality characteristics and preferences. ...

Holland Vocational Interest Island Free Online Test

Workplace/career 4 1 Minutes 4
Holland Vocational Interest Island Free Online Test
John Holland is a professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University and a famous career guidance expert in the United States. He proposed the vocational interest theory in 1959, which has broad social influence. It is believed that people's personality type, interests and occupation are closely related. Interest is a huge driving force for people's activities. Any occupation with occupational in...

Investor risk type assessment

Wealth/Investment 3 1 Minutes 1
Investors are requested to read the questionnaire carefully, understand the scoring rules, and confirm that the filled-in content is true. This test checks and prompts whether the investor's investment behavior matches the investor's risk tolerance level. The results of this test do not constitute investment advice to investors, or have a substantial impact on investors' investment decisions. In...

Psychological Test: Test Your Career

Workplace/career 1 1 Minutes 1
Personality refers to the individual psychological characteristics displayed by an individual in his stable attitude towards reality and habitual behavior. It is a very important essential characteristic of a person. It accompanies a person throughout his life and has an important impact on a person's outlook on life, world view, and values. It is one of the determining factors for the success of ...

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