Search tests: 人品

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Psychological test: Take this test. When choosing a partner, what do you value most in your heart?

Love/Relationship 1 1 Minutes 9
What's most important to each person deep down when choosing a partner may be different. Here are some possible factors: Mutual attraction: In love, attractiveness of appearance, personality and temperament are usually important factors. Trust and respect: Relationships based on mutual trust and respect are usually healthier and longer lasting. Common values: Having common life values and goals c...

Workplace Test: What is your status among your colleagues?

Workplace/career 4 1 Minutes 1
Your personality impression, that is, your own personal brand, is particularly important in the workplace. It can be said that the quality of your logo directly affects your future and prospects. Brands need to be built. A good brand makes people trust and love you. What kind of workplace personality impression do you give people? How good is your relationship with your colleagues? Do you want to...

Fun test: Which dynasty in ancient times would you like to travel to?

Life/hobbies 10 5 Minutes
Imagine if you had the opportunity to travel through time and space and go back to ancient China, which dynasty would you appear in? Was it in the bustling streets of the Han Dynasty, or at the cultural feast of the Tang Dynasty? Perhaps it was the commercial center of the Song Dynasty, or the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty? This is not only a journey through history, but also a journey of se...

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