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Affinity is an essential quality for a leader and the glue between leaders and employees. If you wan...

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The letter circle refers to the SM group, the abbreviation of sadomasochism in English. It is a sexu...

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Emotional refers to a person's mental state, which is prone to mood swings due to some large or smal...

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Aries ENFP: The leader of free spirits

Aries ENFP is a unique personality type with a strong sense of adventure and free thinking. They are...

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Have you ever had the experience of sometimes exhibiting behaviors or thoughts that are inconsistent...

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MBTI type 16 personality analysis - ESTJ

ESTJ——Big Masculine Personality Pragmatic, truthful, fact-oriented, with entrepreneurial or technic...

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INFP Gemini life challenges and personal growth

Let’s explore the wonderful world of INFP Gemini together! In the colorful world of MBTI and horosc...

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Find out where your nearest lucky god is

Where is the God of Luck these days?

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