Love/Relationship: psychological test

Love/Relationship: psychological test

Picture test: Super accurate psychological test! Choose 'a door' intuitively to see who will like you

Love/Relationship 5 1 Minutes
Some people's personalities can be seen through at a glance, while others need to get along with each other before they slowly let go of their reserve and express themselves. A few days ago, there was a psychological test in South Korea. Singles can simply select 'a door' based on their intuition. They can quickly know which type of person you are most attracted to and find out the person in your ...

Sexual psychology test: What kind of sex and love do you need?

Love/Relationship 1 1 Minutes 23
Sexual psychology researchers believe that 'feeling desired is a female orgasm.' While the sight of an attractive man may turn a woman on, the thought of a man's reaction to her—'I wonder if he thinks I'm hot?'—is like a bolt of lightning striking her. brain. In other words, girls can only freely stimulate sexual desire for men who care about their thoughts. Otherwise, if a girl thinks that this...

Interesting psychological test: Views on mate selection based on the order of eating dishes

Love/Relationship 1 1 Minutes 3
The concept of love is people's fundamental views and attitudes towards love issues. Its content mainly includes: what is love, the nature of love, the position of love in social life and personal life, standards for choosing a mate, how to deal with broken love, etc. The outlook on love is a reflection of the outlook on life. In different historical periods, due to the influence and constraints o...

Can you guys ever get back together again?

Love/Relationship 1 1 Minutes 1
'A broken mirror is reunited, a hairpin is separated and a daughter is reunited, and the embroidered household beads and foil are found again.' It is a metaphor for the reunion and reconciliation of couples after separation or breakup. The allusion of reunion after a broken mirror comes from the Southern Dynasties, where Princess Lechang of Chen State reunited with her husband Xu Deyan after bein...

Is it possible that you are having an affair?

Love/Relationship 1 1 Minutes 1
Will you remain faithful to your relationship? Promise that you will never do anything deviant in your life? No matter how external conditions tempt you, you will not do anything to feel sorry for the other person? Do you want to know whether deep down you have the possibility of having an affair? Let’s do a little test.

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