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ABO Psychological Gender Free Online Test

Character/Personality 18 1 Minutes 115
ABO Psychological Gender Free Online Test
Welcome to our free version of the Psychological Gender Test. This test is based on the concept of the ABO worldview, in which humans are divided into five genders: male Alpha, female Alpha, neutral Beta, male Omega, and female Omega. This setting is derived from the social class model in animal behavior. The highest level of the wolf social organization is led by Alpha male wolves and female wolv...

ABO Gender Pheromone Test

Character/Personality 25 2 Minutes 149
ABO Gender Pheromone Test
Welcome to the ABO Gender Pheromone Test! Are you curious about your status and behavioral characteristics in society and groups? ABO gender pheromone is an interesting psychological test, originating from the setting of European and American fan circles. The concept of ABO originates from animal behavior (Ethology). In the animal kingdom, the classic example of the ABO worldview is the social c...

Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale Y-BOCS Free Online Test

Mental/Health 8 2 Minutes
Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale Y-BOCS Free Online Test
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common mental disorder characterized by persistent and uncontrollable obsessions and compulsive behaviors. Obsessions are recurring, disturbing thoughts, impulses, or images, while compulsions are repetitive behaviors or rituals performed to relieve these disturbances. Obsessions are often related to fears, anxieties, or doubts, and compulsions are behavio...

Sigma Male Level Test

Character/Personality 20 2 Minutes 9
Sigma Male Level Test
Sigma Male (Sigma Male) generally refers to independent, self-disciplined men who do not pursue or please the opposite sex and respect everyone. He is considered a 'high-quality man' because he is different from the mainstream social values and appears full of personality, and is regarded as a 'lone wolf'. These qualities make them high-quality individuals who are unsociable, highly independent, h...

MBTI professional personality assessment 145 questions professional version free online test

Character/Personality 50 1 Minutes 324
MBTI professional personality assessment 145 questions professional version free online test
Welcome to our free online test! With this comprehensive test, you'll learn about your career personality type and gain valuable insights into which career paths are right for you. We have prepared a professional version of the MBTI Professional Personality Assessment for you, which contains 145 questions and is designed to comprehensively assess your personality characteristics and preferences. ...

A must-have for parents: Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) free online test

Mental/Health 30 5 Minutes 2
A must-have for parents: Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) free online test
The Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was compiled by American psychologists Achenbach TM and Edelbrock C. It is a professional tool used to assess children's broad spectrum of behavioral and emotional problems and social abilities. This online test is designed to help parents understand their children's behavioral characteristics and possible psychological needs. Introduction to CBCL sca...

Free online test on mental health for college students

Mental/Health 4 2 Minutes 1
Free online test on mental health for college students
The mental health problems of college students refer to the mental health-related distress and obstacles that are common among college students. During their college years, they face challenges in many aspects such as academic pressure, changes in interpersonal relationships, future planning, self-identity, etc. These factors may have an impact on their mental health. Here are some common mental h...

MBTI professional personality free online test | official 93-question standard version

Character/Personality 50 4 Minutes 2987
MBTI professional personality free online test | official 93-question standard version
This test is the official 93-question free test version of the MBTI Type 16 Personality Test. MBTI is the abbreviation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), which is a tool used to assess personality type. It was developed by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers in the early 20th century and is based on the psychological theories of Carl Jung to help people better understand ...

Enneagram Free Online Test | 144 Questions Professional Edition

Character/Personality 50 1 Minutes 30
Enneagram Free Online Test | 144 Questions Professional Edition
The Enneagram is a unique and in-depth psychological tool that helps people understand their personality traits, behavioral patterns, and relationships with others. Through the Enneagram test, you can discover your main personality type and understand your inner motivations and coping strategies. This article will provide an in-depth analysis of the Enneagram personality test, revealing the charac...

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