Search tests: 朋友

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Psychological test: What is the impression of your friends around you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 6
Understanding how others perceive you is useful because it can help people better understand their own image and status in the minds of others. By hearing feedback from friends and the way they see themselves, people gain a fuller sense of themselves and the opportunity to improve their self-image. Friends' impressions of a person may include many aspects, such as personality traits, behavior, pr...

Test whether your friends will betray you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 1
Life is full of unknowns and challenges, and it can also make us face tests such as deception from lovers, betrayal from friends, incomprehension at home, and dissatisfaction at work. This society is very complex, and it is difficult for us to see clearly the truth, goodness, beauty, and ugliness in it. I don’t know who is real around me and who is fake. Friendship is different from love and famil...

Test your image in the minds of your friends

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Sometimes friends know your personality and your essence very well. So they naturally know your reaction to something happening. Time flies by, and many friends gradually fade away, but there are still those friends who can soften the time. The older I get, the more I realize that the carnival of a group of people is actually the loneliness of a group of people. The friends you left behind are all...

Are you the boss of your circle of friends?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
If a person can become the boss among friends, it means that his words have the most weight in the circle of friends. Such people generally have strong leadership skills, and their friends think what they say is trustworthy. Not everyone has the ability to convince others. Improve some small flaws in how you treat people and make you more popular in your circle of friends. Let's take an ability te...

Test how you would treat someone who lets you off the hook

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
The most indispensable thing in our life is friends. There is a saying that relies on family at home and friends when going out. We will get to know all kinds of different people at every stage. From strangers at the beginning, you will become close friends. There are also some friends who are just casual acquaintances, and we no longer keep in touch after a while. However, there are always a few ...

Fun test: What kind of friend gathering are you most suitable for?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Everyone's personality is different, so the circle of life is different. Some people like to sing and dance crazily with friends to vent the stress of the day; some people like to drink tea and chat with friends; some people like to go to fitness places with friends to exercise. Do you want to know what kind of friend gathering you are suitable for? Now let’s do a social test together.

What are the reasons that make you lose your temper with your friends?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Everyone has their own preferences and temperament, and it takes a period of time for people to get along with each other, whether they are lovers or friends, before they can become relatively harmonious. When it comes to getting angry with friends, I believe everyone has encountered some people who secretly express their anger or others who openly express their anger. So why do you get angry with...

Test whether you are a well-rounded workplace expert?

Interpersonal/Social 5 1 Minutes 1
Good interpersonal relationships must be found in the practice of interpersonal relationships. Avoiding interpersonal relationships and trying to get the friendship of others can only be a fish in the woods, and it is impossible to achieve the ideal goal. In fact, being popular is sometimes better than being wealthy. So how do you achieve everything? To your boss respect first and then get along...

Psychological test: What is the most annoying thing about you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 2
Sometimes, perhaps your unintentional words or some of your long-standing little habits actually make your friends feel unbearable. You are unaware of these problems, and if your friends don’t bring them up, you may never notice them. Some of our little habits and ways of speaking may make those around us uncomfortable or disliked. If these issues are ignored, they can affect our relationships. ...

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