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Test: Are you more left-brained or right-brained?

Mental/Health 6 3 Minutes 3
For most people, the left hemisphere of the brain is analytical and functions in a sequential and logical manner. This part of the brain controls language, academic research, and rationality. In contrast, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity and intuition. For example, the birth of artistic and musical works depends on the function of this part of the brain. This test ...

Workplace Psychology Test: What are your workplace strengths?

Workplace/career 1 1 Minutes 3
Workplace advantages refer to the outstanding skills, knowledge, experience, characteristics and personality traits that an individual possesses in his or her career. Workplace advantages can help individuals better realize their potential at work and achieve career goals. They can also improve self-confidence and satisfaction and promote career development. There are many types of workplace stre...

Sexual psychology test: What kind of sex and love do you need?

Love/Relationship 1 1 Minutes 23
Sexual psychology researchers believe that 'feeling desired is a female orgasm.' While the sight of an attractive man may turn a woman on, the thought of a man's reaction to her—'I wonder if he thinks I'm hot?'—is like a bolt of lightning striking her. brain. In other words, girls can only freely stimulate sexual desire for men who care about their thoughts. Otherwise, if a girl thinks that this...

Test your stress level

Character/Personality 2 1 Minutes 1
It’s no secret that living under stress can cause us serious emotional problems and even take a toll on our physical health. So why is it so difficult for us to take action to reduce stress and improve our lives? Researchers at Yale University finally have the answer. They found that stress reduces the volume of gray matter in areas of the brain responsible for self-control. So, being stressed a...

MBTI professional personality assessment 145 questions professional version free online test

Character/Personality 50 1 Minutes 324
MBTI professional personality assessment 145 questions professional version free online test
Welcome to our free online test! With this comprehensive test, you'll learn about your career personality type and gain valuable insights into which career paths are right for you. We have prepared a professional version of the MBTI Professional Personality Assessment for you, which contains 145 questions and is designed to comprehensively assess your personality characteristics and preferences. ...

PDP Animal Personality Test | Free

Workplace/career 15 1 Minutes 22
PDP Animal Personality Test | Free
The PDP personality test, also known as the PDP animal personality test, is a professional personality analysis system, the full name is Professional DynaMetric Programs, or PDP for short. The PDP personality test was developed in the United States in 1978 and obtained invention patents from the University of Southern California and the University of Colorado. Over the past 35 years, this persona...

Find out what makes you do a lot of stupid things

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
In life, not everyone can keep a clear mind all the time. Many times we will be stupid for no reason and make some stupid behaviors that are incomprehensible. As the saying goes, 'One pregnancy makes you stupid for three years.' But sometimes if we don't get pregnant, our brains will be disconnected, and we will do things we shouldn't do without thinking, and we will regret it in the end. It's oka...

Sleep Quotient Level Test

Mental/Health 10 2 Minutes
In our modern, fast-paced lives, we often overlook one crucial aspect: sleep. The concept of 'sleep quotient' links sleep quality and intelligence, which has attracted people's attention. Let’s dive into this interesting and informative topic. What is 'sleep quotient'? 'Sleep IQ' is a concept proposed by American scholars. It mainly refers to the relationship between a person's sleep quality and...

Workplace Temperament Test: Test what kind of temperament you bring to the workplace

Workplace/career 3 1 Minutes
Hippocrates' 'Four Liquids Theory' believes that the different proportions of the four body fluids of blood, black bile, jaundice, and mucus in the human body constitute the different temperaments of each person: the one with the predominance of blood is the sanguine temperament, which manifests Those with a dominant gallbladder have a melancholic temperament, and those with a dominant gallbladder...

Find out what you need to make money

Wealth/Investment 4 1 Minutes
There are many ways to make money. Some people rely on their unbridled creativity, some rely on their sensitivity to numbers, and some rely on their eloquence. In other words, in fact, everyone has their own advantages, and as long as they work hard, they can make a fortune relying on their own advantages. Want to know what advantages you can use to make a fortune? Let's do a test together.

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