Search tests: 你讨厌什么样的自己?

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Test your self-expression

Mental/Health 2 1 Minutes
As we all know, everyone should know that everyone has their own strengths and advantages, but some people are good at expressing themselves, some people are not good at expressing themselves, some people like to highlight themselves, and some people like to hide themselves, so what are the self-expressions? Woolen cloth? At work, you must always be strict with yourself, complete every task assig...

Psychological test: What is the most annoying thing about you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 2
Sometimes, perhaps your unintentional words or some of your long-standing little habits actually make your friends feel unbearable. You are unaware of these problems, and if your friends don’t bring them up, you may never notice them. Some of our little habits and ways of speaking may make those around us uncomfortable or disliked. If these issues are ignored, they can affect our relationships. ...

Fun test: Explore the mystery of color and personality, and reveal your inner potential!

Character/Personality 2 1 Minutes
Uncover your innermost personality secrets! Pick the color you hate the most and let us decipher how it relates to your underlying personality. This fun psychological test will help you understand yourself better and reveal the traits you may exhibit in love. Choose your most hated color now and discover your hidden personality traits together! Note: This test is for entertainment and to explore ...

Do you think there are more people who like you than people who hate you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 2
I know that everyone has a mirror in their heart and sees everyone differently. I also know that everyone has their own little heart, there are people who want to be nice to them, there are people who don’t want to deal with them, there are people who make you feel bad when you see them, and there are also people who fall in love at first sight, see you again Qingcheng, every time you see them The...

What do you care about most in marriage?

family/marriage 1 1 Minutes
What do you want your marriage to be like? Is it loyalty? Is it understanding? Is it trust? or other…… Or, what do you hate most about your marriage? Is it betrayal? Is it suspicion? or other…… Maybe you haven't realized your requirements yet, so take a test quickly. What do you care about most in marriage?

Choose one of the four pictures to test how real you are

Mental/Health 4 1 Minutes 1
We always say that we hope to see each other’s true side, but most of the time the connotation of this sentence is: the truth that can be accepted by each other. The two characters of authenticity and hypocrisy are, for some people, a means of controlling others, and for others, they are the last form of self-protection. How much of yourself are you in front of others and behind others? This test...

Narcissistic Personality Professional Psychometric Inventory Free Online Test | NPI-16 Short Version

Character/Personality 15 1 Minutes 11
Narcissistic Personality Professional Psychometric Inventory Free Online Test | NPI-16 Short Version
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) is a commonly used psychometric tool to measure narcissistic personality traits. Originally developed by Raskin and Hall in 1979 with some revisions and improvements. Among them, NPI-16 is a simplified version of NPI, proposed by Ames, Rose and Anderson in 2006. The NPI-16 is a 16-item scale designed to measure an individual's tendency toward narcissis...

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