Interpersonal/Social: psychological test

Interpersonal/Social: psychological test

Fun test: Why do you never get reciprocated when you make friends sincerely?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
When interacting with people, you always want to interact with them with a sincere heart. When you see delicious and fresh food, you always want to share it with them. Many times you will consider their needs, so you Why do you still get complaints from others when you treat others with sincerity? You will know the answer after testing it. Let’s take a fun test together!

Social Test: Test whether you can leave a good first impression on others?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 5
The acquaintance between people is established through impressions. The first impression will first give people a judgment. The first impression will also leave a memory for us. This memory will be very important and directly affect the subsequent development. Although the first impression only lasts a few minutes, it is these minutes that determine whether the other person likes you or dislikes y...

Fun test: Test your loyalty to your friends

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 1
Loyalty is the basic moral quality for people to get along with each other. Loyalty is not only reflected in the relationship between husband and wife, but also in the relationship between friends. In a sense, loyalty is the mutual trust between people. Whether your friends trust you, whether they are willing to share their privacy with you, and whether you can keep the secret, this is the attitud...

Interpersonal relationship test: Test how reliable you are in the eyes of your friends

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Reliable and highly rated among people. I believe it is difficult for each of us to satisfy each other in social interactions. Because of different personalities and styles, it is difficult to get recognition from others. A reliable person must be principled and trustworthy. That is to say, it is often said that you will never get tired of being together for a long time, but you may feel that it i...

How will your recent interpersonal relationships develop?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Some people have a cheerful personality, are proactive in dealing with others, and are not afraid of words and routines in interacting with others. And some people are very worried about whether they will make the other party feel bad during the relationship, so they often shrink back. I would like to say that many people are not born with good sociability, and many of them are accumulated slowly ...

Fun test: How can you exude charm when getting along with the opposite sex?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 1
Opposites attract each other. In front of the opposite sex, everyone wants to perform as well as possible. Even if they don’t intend to do anything, they will still hope to leave a good impression in the other person’s heart. However, if there is a big difference in one’s own personality, If there are any defects, it will become a 'stumbling block' that blocks your charm.

Social Test: Test which kind of friend can best heal your scars

Interpersonal/Social 2 1 Minutes
Friends are rare treasures in life. They will protect you with their sincerity by your side and hope to be treated sincerely by you. Share experiences with each other and enjoy life together. Good friends are treasures. However, there are many friends who can accompany you to happiness. When you are in pain, what kind of friends can heal your pain?

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