'航海技术' related tests

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Xiamen City Knowledge Test: Test how well you know Xiamen?

Xiamen, a city located on the southeastern coast of China, is famous for its unique history, culture and natural landscape. As a former port city, Xiamen has a rich historical heritage. It was once part of the Silk Road, attracting traders and navigators from all over the world. These historical relics can still be seen in Xiamen today, such as Nanputuo Temple, Hulishan Fort, etc. Xiamen's natura...

Are you a good communicator?

Communicative skills are crucial to one's career development. Research conducted by American psychologists at Bell Labs shows the importance of communication skills. The members of the laboratory are all highly intelligent scientists and engineers. However, some are still shining stars, while others have lost their luster. Why is there such a difference? It turns out that celebrities have stron...

Holland Career Interest Test: A complete 90-question self-test to find the career direction that best suits you

Test introduction Workplace/career 90 50 4 Minutes 134
Holland Career Interest Test: A complete 90-question self-test to find the career direction that best suits you
The Holland Career Interest Test (Self-Directed Search, SDS) is a self-assessment tool compiled by John Holland, a famous American career guidance expert. The test is based on Holland's Theory of Vocational Interests and is designed to help users choose the most appropriate career path based on personal interests and career types. By understanding the relevant content of the Holland Vocational Tes...

Career Planning Test: Schein Career Anchor Questionnaire Free Online Test

Test introduction Workplace/career 40 50 4 Minutes 14
Career Planning Test: Schein Career Anchor Questionnaire Free Online Test
Success and satisfaction in our careers often stem from a deep understanding of our career goals and motivations. Edgar H. Schein, a famous American career guidance expert and professor at MIT Sloan School of Business, proposed the Career Anchors theory through 12 years of research. Personal career planning provides a powerful framework. Through long-term follow-up research on 44 MBA graduates fro...

Psychological test: Do you yearn more for the future or the past?

Oscar Wilde once said that only two things in life are certain, death and taxes. If he could live to this day, I think he might add one more thing, and that is change. Change is always inevitable. However, compared with the past, people today are changing much faster in terms of lifestyle, outlook on life, values, and technology than in any previous era. We can either resist change and become ...

Holland Vocational Interest Assessment Scale: 60-item abbreviated version

Test introduction Workplace/career 60 40 3 Minutes 85
Holland Vocational Interest Assessment Scale: 60-item abbreviated version
The Holland Vocational Interest Test is a professional assessment tool based on Holland's Vocational Interest Theory. It is widely used to help individuals understand their own career interests and aptitudes, so as to plan career development paths more scientifically. This test is specially combined with the actual situation of Chinese job seekers. The content is comprehensive and accurate. It is ...

WCS Williams Creativity Scale Free Online Test

Test introduction Mental/Health 50 5 3 Minutes 8
WCS Williams Creativity Scale Free Online Test
Creativity is a comprehensive ability unique to human beings. It refers to the ability to generate new ideas, discover and create new things. Creativity is a psychological quality necessary for the successful completion of creative activities. It is composed of multiple factors such as knowledge, intelligence, ability and excellent personality qualities. Creativity is an important symbol that dis...

Agricultural knowledge test

Agriculture is not only a production activity, but also a cultural inheritance. When we think of agriculture, we may think of golden wheat fields, green rice fields, or endless vegetable greenhouses. Agriculture is the cradle of human civilization. It has given birth to ancient civilizations and continues to promote the development of modern society. From ancient plowing to modern smart agricultur...

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